Saturday 1 March 2014

decisions, decisions, decisions

How do we really make decisions?
Jay Doubleyou: questioning and problem-solving
Jay Doubleyou: how do you make decisions?
This was on BBC TV recently - although this can't be viewed outside the UK - but there's an interesting clip...

How You Really Make Decisions

Image for How You Really Make Decisions
2013-2014 Episode 9 of 6

Horizon uncovers the truth about how you really make decisions.
Every day you make thousands of decisions, big and small, and behind all them is a powerful battle in your mind, pitting intuition against logic.
This conflict affects every aspect of your life - from what you eat to what you believe, and especially to how you spend your money.
And it turns out that the intuitive part of your mind is a lot more powerful than you may realise.

BBC Two - Horizon, 2013-2014, How You Really Make Decisions
Why Seeing (The Unexpected) Is Often Not Believing : NPR
Loss aversion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Behavioral economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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